
Why I Love Mad Men

Dear Matthew Weiner,

Your show entitled Mad Men has captured my interest like no other show in existence. I appreciate the heightened degree of light and detail that you shed on the little things that permeate the character's day to day life, from Don Draper's top hat, to Roger Sterling's Lucky Strike cigarettes. Despite being in New York City, the show really seems to move along at a comfortable pace.

Regarding fashion, there is not a single character yet that I have spotted that is not dressed in a dapperly manner. From anonymous elevator operators, to random people strutting about downtown, each and every person that fills the frame flaunts an impressive amount of style. One truly feels the zeitgeist of the 1950's New York ad agency environment while watching this show. Additionally, this recurring theme of fashionable people would not be nearly as sacred if it weren't for the exquisite use of light and shadows. Despite the majority of the show taking place in an office setting, one does not get that feeling of a corporate environment with unappealing lights and hues. Quite on the contrary, most of the time the cinematographers make use of what appears to be window light. As a photographer, I can say this show really spurs on my creativity and encourages me to be creative with how I use my light, and it also keeps me in check to make sure that I am being intentional with the way I craft the light within my images. Lastly, I really enjoy the vintage songs that play at the end of each episode while the credits come up. Often times I will close my eyes and enjoy the waves of pleasure that fill my mind as I think of all the quaint pleasantries that took place in the episode.

So thank you to Mr. Weiner and the entire Mad Men crew/cast for sharing with us your creative talents.


David Dobreski

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